
The Big 3 Cloud Platforms (Azure, GCP, AWS) Small differences

  Azure ,  GCP , and  AWS : An In-Depth Look at Leading Cloud Platforms Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing scalable resources and diverse services on demand. The three dominant players in this space are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Each of these platforms offers unique features and strengths, catering to varied business needs and preferences.  Microsoft Azure Administrator Training Here's a comprehensive overview of Azure, GCP, and AWS. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Overview:  Launched by Amazon in 2006, AWS is the most mature and widely adopted cloud platform. It offers an extensive suite of cloud services, ranging from computing and storage to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Key Features: Compute:  EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) provides scalable virtual servers, while Lambda offers serverless computing for running code without managing servers.  Azure Admin Training in Hyderabad Storage:

What is Microsoft Azure Cloud computing? | 2024

Understanding Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing            Microsoft Azure , commonly known as Azure, is a comprehensive cloud computing platform created by Microsoft. Since its launch in 2010, Azure has become a leading choice for businesses seeking scalable, flexible, and cost-effective cloud services. Azure offers a broad array of cloud solutions, including computing power, storage options, advanced analytics, and networking, all hosted in Microsoft-managed data centres across the globe.  Microsoft Azure Administrator Training Core Azure Services 1.       Compute Services:  Azure’s compute services provide the foundation for running applications in the cloud. Key offerings include: ·      Virtual Machines (VMs):  These are customizable virtual servers that can run a variety of operating systems and applications. ·        Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):  A managed Kubernetes service for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. ·        Azure App Services:  A platfor

What are The Microsoft Azure Administrator Advanced Concepts?

  The Microsoft Azure Administrator Advanced Concepts?                    Microsoft Azure Administrator  Advanced Concepts encompass various areas critical to the efficient management, security, and optimisation of Azure environments. Here are the key advanced concepts Azure administrators should master: Advanced Networking 1.   Virtual Network (VNet) Peering : Facilitates seamless connectivity between VNets, allowing resources to communicate across different regions with minimal latency.  Microsoft Azure Administrator Training 2.     Azure Load Balancer : Distributes incoming network traffic across multiple VMs, ensuring high availability and reliability. 3.    Application Gateway : A layer 7 load balancer with Web Application Firewall (WAF), SSL termination, and advanced routing features. 4.    Network Security Groups (NSGs) : Control inbound and outbound traffic to Azure resources, providing a layer of security. 5.   Azure Firewall : Provides centralized network security with built-

Which is better for a career Azure administrator or AWS? [2024]

  Which is Better for a Career Azure administrator or AWS?            Choosing  between a career as an  Azure administrator  or an  AWS administrator   depends on various factors, including your interests, career goals, market demand, and the specific requirements of the roles. Let's delve deeper into both options to help you make an informed decision.  Microsoft Azure Administrator Training Azure Administrator: Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform, has gained significant traction in recent years, becoming one of the leading choices for cloud services. As an Azure administrator, you'll manage Azure resources, ensuring their availability, security, and performance. Microsoft's extensive ecosystem is one of the key advantages of pursuing a career as an Azure administrator. If you have a background in Windows environments or are familiar with Microsoft technologies, transitioning into Azure administration might be smoother for you. Additionally, Microsoft offers com

Azure Administrator Roles and Responsibilities in 2024?

                As   an  Azure Administrator , your role encompasses a wide array of responsibilities crucial to the effective management and optimization of Azure cloud environments. Here's a comprehensive overview :   Microsoft Azure Administrator 1.    Infrastructure Management : Azure Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of Azure infrastructure, including virtual machines, storage, networking components, and other resources. They ensure that the infrastructure is scalable, secure, and meets the organization's performance requirements. 2.   Resource Provisioning and Monitoring : Azure Administrators deploy and manage resources such as virtual machines, databases, and storage accounts based on organizational needs. They also monitor resource usage, performance metrics, and health status to identify and address any issues proactively.  Azure Admin Training in Hyderabad 3.    Security and Compliance : Ensuring the security of Azure envi